Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning and Travel Behavior Survey
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Department of Transport Technology and Control
It is our great pleasure to invite you to attend the forthcoming discussion
Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
Travel Behavior Survey
Presented by
Dr. Ghadir Pourhashem
on Tuesday January 27, 2015 at 10 a.m.
in department meeting room (4th floor)
European towns and cities face ever growing challenges to improve the performance of their urban transport systems, to reduce the negative impacts of transport activities on the climate, the environment and citizens' health, and to render urban mobility more sustainable. Thus, transport planning plays key role in addressing individuals’ need considering the land use, the economy, the environment and the quality of people’s lives. The challenge of integrated transport and sustainable mobility planning is the understanding of the complexity of the variables involved and their influence on people’s choices when they travel. Modern goal oriented integrated planning processes develop several scenarios in order to determine which developments can be strengthened with measures and which should be weakened. This requires to deal with the behaviour of people and how to influence it. This workshop will provide an overview of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning (SUMP) deployments and focus on travel behavior survey trends and applied methods in Germany that can be employed for future mobility survey in Czech cities and towns.
Katedra technologie a řízení dopravy
si dovoluje pozvat všechny zájemce na přednášku na téma
Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning
Travel Behavior Survey
přednášející Dr. Ghadir Pourhashem
Přednáška se uskuteční v úterý 27. ledna 2015 v 10 h.
v zasedací místnosti KTŘD DC 05007 (4. poschodí)
Přednáška se uskuteční v rámci projektu POSTDOK – Posílení excelentních týmů výzkumu a vývoje na Univerzitě Pardubice CZ.1.07/2.3.00/30.0021 |