International Days of Materials Science 2012 - ReAdMat
25. - 26. September 2012 – AFI PALACE Pardubice
The conference will provide a framework for presentation and discussion of ideas and information in the developing and inspiring area of solid state chemistry.
Invitation for IDMS-ReAdMat 2012
Registration form and abstract
DEADLINE for submitting your contribution is 15th August 2012 (please note that number of contributions is limited)
Detailed IDMS 2012 programme with a list of oral and poster presentations.
Recommended postersize is A0 in vertical arrangement.
Official conference language is English, no translation services will be provided.
Duration of presentations:
Invited/plenary lecture: 50 min (including 10 min for discussion)
Lecture: 20 min (including 5 min for discussion)
participation at this event is FREE
each attendee will obtain conference materials and book of abstracts
organizers do not provide transportation or accommodation