International Days of Materials Science 2013 - ReAdMat
24. - 25. september 2013 – Hotel Zlata stika Pardubice
The conference will provide a framework for presentation and discussion of ideas and information in the developing and inspiring area of solid state chemistry.
Invitation for IDMS-ReAdMat 2013
Registration form and abstract
DEADLINE for abstract submission has been extended to 22nd August, 2013 (please note that number of contributions is limited)
Recommended postersize is A0 in vertical arrangement.
Official conference language is English, no translation services will be provided.
Duration of presentations:
Invited/plenary lecture: 50 min (including 10 min for discussion)
Lecture: 20 min (including 5 min for discussion)
participation at this event is FREE
each attendee will obtain conference materials and book of abstracts
organizers do not provide transportation or accommodation
Accommodation in Hotel Zlata stika:
Single bedroom 1400 Kč/night
Double bedroom 1600 Kč/night
Triple bedroom 1800 Kč/night
Your reservation you can make by email: or by phone: :+420 466 052 100/+420 603 201 700.
Hotel Zlatá štika
Štrossova 127
530 03 Pardubice