International Days of Materials Science 2013 – ReAdMat Winter Seminar
Dear Colleague:
We have the pleasure of inviting you to visit/attend in the “Winter Seminar” which will take place on February 13th, 2013 in the University building, FEI, 1st floor, on Square of Czechoslovak Legions (Čs. Legií 565) in Pardubice.
Instructions for speakers:
- Deadline for submission of abstracts is extended to 17th January 2013.
- Official conference language is English, no translation service will be provided.
- Duration of plenary lecture is 40 min including 10 min for discussion.
- Duration of lecture is 20 min including 5 min for discussion.
Seminar schedule can be downloaded here.
Following change was made in conference programme:
Wednesday 13.2. at 8:00 am
Invited lecture
8:00-8:30 J.L. Adam
Chalcogenide glass optical fibers for mid-infrared photonics
We look forward to meeting you in Winter IDMS seminar.
Kind regards,
Prof. T. Wágner
This seminar is organized under the scope of project ReAdMat – Research Team for Advanced Non-crystalline Materials. Project registration number: CZ.1.07/2.3.00/20.0254