prof. Thomas M. Klapőtke

LMU Munich, Department of Chemistry
Dne 7.11.2012 proběhla v učebně ÚEnM přednáška na téma:
"Energetic Materials Research at LMU Munich:Is TKX-50 Possible Replacement for RDX?"
Our research at LMU Munich focuses on the development of new high (secondary) explosives with performances equal to or higher than and sensitivities equal to or lower than RDX. In addition, they must also show excellent thermal stability.  While the much- publicized high-performing explosives CL-20 and ONC (octanitrocubane), have been at the forefront of public awareness, TKX-50, or hydroxylammonium bistetrazolate-1,1’-dioxide, [H3NOH]2[C2N8O2] has the advantage of being simple and cheap to prepare from commonly-available chemicals.  TKX-50 expands our new field of tetrazole oxide chemistry to produce a material that is not only easily prepared and exceedingly powerful, but also possesses the required thermal insensitivity, low toxicity, and safety of handling which is necessary for a material to be considered as a replacement for the most commonly used military explosives.

Aktualizoval: Monika Šubrtová (18. února 2013, 14:17)