Přednáška - Vjačeslav Jegoršev
odborný asistent, Katedra chemie a technologie organických sloučenin dusíku, Inženýrská chemicko-technologická fakulta, Mendělejevova univerzita chemické technologie, Moskva
Dne 7.4.2014 v 9:00 hod proběhla v učebně ÚEnM přednáška na téma
Stationary-state burning of primary explosives
Stationary-state burning of primary explosives
Aim of this talk is to introduce to the audience an important role of the stationary combustion parameters (burning rate and its dependence on pressure) of individual primary explosives in forming some dependent explosive properties such as acceleration of explosive transformation in the porous charge, initiating efficiency, sensitivity aspects.
It will be touching upon methods of sample preparation and process registration beginning with old researches on mercury fulminate to recent studies on fast-burning complex compounds. A series of experimental burning parameters of primary explosives from different chemical classes will be given, and influence on the initiation efficiency will be illustrated by the example of acetone peroxides.
Aktualizoval: Michaela Melíková (31. března 2014, 10:23)