Přednáška - MSc David Nicolas Plüss - LARA methodology
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne EPFL
laboratoř Prof. Thierry Mayera
Dne 28.11.2013 proběhla na ÚEnM přednáška na téma: "LARA methodology - Analyzing and Managing Risks in Research Labs: How it is done
Available risk analysis techniques are well adapted to industry since they were developed for their purposes. For academic research environment, most of these techniques are of limited use because of several differences compared to the industrial environment. Due to the nature of scientific research, accurate statistical data for processes or equipment are hardly available. However, most of the existing techniques depend on these data, e.g. studies on reliability for risk quantification. Another difficulty is to take into account special conditions present in research laboratories when using available methodologies. A majority of these techniques are designed for analyzing clearly defined processes. In academic research settings, most of the process’ variables are not well defined or continuously evolving. Additionally, different hazards present in the same laboratory may influence each other and can therefore be amplified.
Different solutions for the challenge of adapting an existing method to research laboratories are available in the literature. However, most of recommendations focus on a specific field of scientific research, such as chemistry. In order to tackle this problem, we developed a holistic risk analysis technique for research and development environment. This newly developed method features an enhancement of the risk estimation (using probability, severity and detectability) with a new risk dimension, called worsening factors. Additionally, a semi-quantitative calculation method based on Bayesian networks is used to improve the risk estimation.
This new risk analysis technique, specific for the research environment, is intuitive, easily performable by non-experts (web interface), less resource demanding than other techniques and more accurate. Linked with an adapted safety policy it becomes a comprehensive risk management tool. We will illustrate the application of this new method through several real research laboratories’ risk assessments.
Aktualizoval: Michaela Melíková (14. března 2014, 15:20)